Scripted Dance


Image scripteddance.jpg
Description A dancing Evasion
Chain 4
Type Evade
Attribute Reflexes
Base Defense 4

Attack Summary

Condition Base
Normally 4 (R)
You begin a popular dance, but it's mostly just embarrassing.
<Opponent attacks>, but your embarrassing dance moves get you away from all but <X>/of the damage.
With Dance Music 8 (R,F)
You break out in a strangely mechanical dance.
<Opponent attacks>, but your dance helps you avoid all but <X>/of the damage.
With Center Stage, Eternal Rhythm, Fae Blessing or Happy Hour, or with a party necklace equipped 8 (M,R,F)
You fall into something like a trance, dancing with enough personality and flourish to make it look good.
<Opponent attacks>, but your gliding dance helps you avoid all but <X>/of the damage.
With Dance Music and one of Center Stage, Eternal Rhythm, Fae Blessing, Happy Hour or party necklace equipped 11 (M,R,F,S)
You begin a strangely mechanical dance, adding interesting flourishes along the way.
<Opponent attacks>, but your personalized dance helps you avoid all but <X>/of the damage


Stainless Skulls helmet, with Dance Music active and Life of the Party in your deck.

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