Sheltered Woman



Encounter Conditions

Dusty Clipboard equipped
Successfully passing Gimme Shelter

Initial Text

Deep in the dusty shelter, you find a woman. She seems… perhaps remarkable isn't the right word. She seems to be the most real person here. The others are hazy, barely more than voices and faintly remembered forms.

She, on the other hand, stands out with such relief that it's almost painful… the smallest smudges of ash on her body standing out more than entire families among the rest of the refugees.

Despite this strange import, she seems to be very unwell. The blankets she's covered in are covered in fresh stains that could be blood and her breathing is shaky.

Summary of Choices

  1. Treat her - gain 4 XP Perception*
  2. Just chat - gain 20 Unchanging Survival*
  3. Leave her there - gain 20 Ruptured Organs*

Choice Text and Results

Treat her

Checking her over, it's easy to see the diseased wounds on her body. The flesh around the wounds runs like melting wax and seems to grow faster as you examine her.

At some level, it doesn't surprise you to see the same wounds on your own body. No real disease acts at this rate, but your disbelief does not save you from the blackness. You wake up what seems like an eternity later.

The world seems clearer, bereft of the cloud of dust lingering at its edges.

You've earned 4 XP in Perception

(Stops all dusty clipboard encounters for the day)

Just chat

You have a nice chat with her, about her life and times. Granted, she claims to the be the last princess of an ancient noble line and a general in the Orbital Wars, but talking certainly seems to improve her mood.

As she talks, her health grows noticeably worse. She takes one last shaky breath to say "don't worry about the past you can't change… just take care of them." And with that, she and you and the shelter all pass from the stage.

The world seems clearer, bereft of the cloud of dust lingering at its edges, but you feel as though you've received a message meant for someone else.

You've gained 20 duration of Unchanging Survival.

(Stops all dusty clipboard encounters for the day)

Leave her there


As you leave her to her fate, you hear a faint voice amid the dust. "That is not how this ends." A terrible, sourceless pain rips through your body as the shelter fades to nothing.

The world seems clearer, bereft of the cloud of dust lingering at its edges.

You've gained 20 duration of Ruptured Organs.

(Stops all dusty clipboard encounters for the day, lose all energy of Survival Bulwark)


This encounter does not consume energy.

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