Shining Castle



Encounter Conditions

Wearing wispy hospital pants
While outside the castle

Initial Text

You make your way up the street to the magnificent castle. It seems well-maintained and… shinier than you'd expect, not quite fitting in to any architectural style you're familiar with.

The guards are similarly out of place, wearing ancient regalia alongside cybernetic implants and automatic weapons. But it all seems quite natural in the moment, as though it's the uniform for a corporate security form you can't quite remember the name of.

Summary of Choices

  1. Head inside - nothing, or, if you have slayed dragon or successfully challenged marksmanship: gain 4 XP Will, unlock castle encounters
  2. Challenge their marksmanship - gain 2-4 XP Perception and/or Reflexes; allow heading inside with proper combo of weapon+techniques
  3. Storm the castle - nothing, or with charmed shirt, learn Charmed Defense, enter the castle and lose the shirt
  4. Enjoy the fresh air - gain 2 XP Strength and Will

Choice Text and Results

Head inside


The guard shakes his helmeted head. "No entrance except on official business."

Or, after successfully challenging their marksmanship:

The guard salutes you "welcome, gunmaster" and stands aside for you to enter the castle. Something about actually being congratulated for your skills tickles at the back of your mind, like this is all a dream.

You've earned 4 XP in Will

Or, after killing the dragon in the Dragon's Pit:

The guard salutes you "welcome, dragonslayer" and stands aside for you to enter the castle. Something about actually being thanked for your hard work tickles at the back of your mind, like this is all a dream.

You've earned 4 XP in Will

Challenge their marksmanship

You try to show off your gunfighting chops, but the guard is a quicker and more precise shot. He's even better at the long shots.

It's good practice, but he doesn't agree to let you anywhere near the gate.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes

Or, with one of the below techniques in your deck, but not the correct weapon:

You try to show off your gunfighting chops, but your weapon isn't quite up to the task. Still, you feel that you have him beat in some areas if you just had the right tool to demonstrate it.

It's good practice, but he doesn't agree to let you anywhere near the gate.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes

Or, with a chain-9 ranged technique and a rifle weapon?

You demonstrate some insanely long range shooting with your rifle, taking a bird off one of the castle's battlements. The guard can't even get close, despite the spray of ammunition his gun produces.

It seems natural enough at the time, but you might wonder later why they let a deft shootist into the castle unhindered.

You've earned 4 XP in Perception

Or, with a needler weapon equipped and stream of needles in your deck?

You demonstrate a storm of needles that puts even their automatics to shame. Well, it seems that the future has won again.

It seems natural enough at the time, but you might wonder later why they let a deft shootist into the castle unhindered.

You've earned 4 XP in Reflexes

Or, with a rifle weapon and Precise Shot in your deck:

You demonstrate some eerily precise shooting with your rifle. The guard concedes the point and agrees to let you into the castle.

It seems natural enough at the time, but you might wonder later why they let a deft shootist into the castle unhindered.

You've earned 4 XP in Reflexes

Storm the castle


You charge towards the gates, the guards of the castle mowing you down with their assault rifles before you reach the gates. The castle, the village, and all the world fades before your eyes.

Or, with a charmed shirt equipped:


You charge towards the gates, the guards hailing you with bullets as you approach. Many of the shots miss, but even more deflect off your shirt as though it were the toughest armor.

The shirt dissolves to tatters as you make your way through the gates, but the guards are too cowed to challenge you further as you stride through.

You learned a new Technique: Charmed Defense

(Lose charmed shirt; let you in the castle one-time only, but does not let you walk in on further times)

Enjoy the fresh air


You wander the streets, enjoying the wonderful day.

You see the smoke of dozens of chimneys heading into the sky, but there's no sign of the scent lingering around the village. Instead, the air smells of blooming flowers and freshly baked bread.

You've earned 2 XP in Strength

You've earned 2 XP in Will


This encounter does not consume energy.

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