Smoldering Shot


Image smolderingshot.jpg
Description Fire a smoldering shot
Chain 5
Type Ranged
Attribute Will
Hidden Flags Single Shot Technique
Base Damage 4

Attack Summary

Condition Base
Normally 4
You fire a smoking shot at <opponent> for <x> ranged damage.
With a smoldering gun equipped 6
You fire a shot at <opponent> from an already smoking gun for <x> ranged damage.
With a smoldering gun equipped versus human opponents 8*
You fire a twisting shot at <opponent> that burrows into <it> for <x> ranged damage.
Following a fire technique 7
You fire a single bullet with embers clinging to it at <opponent> for <x> ranged damage.
Following a fire technique, with a smoldering gun equipped 9
You fire an ember-lit shot at <opponent> from your smoking gun for <x> ranged damage.
Following a fire technique, with a smoldering gun equipped, versus human opponents 12**
You fire an ember-lit shot at <opponent> that burrows into <it> for <x> ranged damage.
Following a smoky technique 7 Takes priority over Fire
You fire a single bullet into the smoke surrounding <opponent> for <x> ranged damage.
Following a smoky technique, with a smoldering gun equipped 9 Takes priority over Fire
You add a shot from your smoking gun to the cloud already swirling around <opponent> for <x> ranged damage.
Following a smoky technique, with a smoldering gun equipped, versus human opponents 12** Takes priority over Fire
You fire a shot that burrows into the smoke around <opponent> for <x> ranged damage.

* Was found to be 10 base including bonus from gun vs. Humans, so probably actually 8 base +sqrt(8)=10
** Was found to be 15 base including bonus from gun vs. Humans, so probably actually 12 base +sqrt(12)=15


Fighting with a smoldering gun equipped using both Fire and Ranged techs in a fight.

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