Snowy Cookie Tin


Image CookieTin.jpg
Description This small cookie tin has what seems to be snow on it. At least, something fluffy and white that's cold to the touch and isn't melting.

Sounds like it still has cookies inside, though, and that's the important part.
Type Usable
Use You scrape the frost and snow off the cookie tin, then pry it open. Inside is more snow, burying six perfect snowman cookies.
Multi You scrape the frost and snow off your cookie tins, then pry them open. Each holds a pile of snow, burying six perfect snowman cookies.
Effects You found: 6 frosty snowman cookie


Up to two found under a Christmas Tree on Christmas 2008. The quantity seems to depend on how much the character was involved in the Christmas 2008 event.
Found under a Christmas Tree on Christmas 2009 on December 25.


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
GoldCoins.jpg This item cannot be added to a gang stash.
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