Stealth Power


Stealth power increases the effectiveness of stealth techniques up to a point (see combat for details).

Certain amounts are also required to remain undetected in certain choice encounters.

Note also that Morale is a bonus applied to your current highest power.

See also Power to Techniques Using Reflexes, which boosts most stealth techniques.

Limited items Quest items
Unearthly items No trade items
Derivative unearthly Normal items

Stealth Power Modifiers

+4  abstract domino mask (with Hide Yourself), black strands
+3 call center mask (with Eclipse), emerald facade (with Eclipse), shining glasses
+2 abstract domino mask, harvester mask, masquerade mask (with Eclipse), paramedic eyepiece, raider mask, security balaclava, Stainless Skulls helmet (with Bitter Song playing), trick top hat
+1 rubber mask
-1 cat ear headband
-2 cap of fools, national crown, sentai mask
+8 black gemstone, carved crystal orb, personal sniper rifle, quivering switchblade, Silver Tower switchblade, spring knuckles
+7 Barsukov sidearm, black switchblade, massive beak, navigator's penknife, Zalian multiweapon
+6 autolock sidearm, bloody icicle, focused needler, hardened switchblade, sniper rifle, toy switchblade, vicious holdout
+5 bloody switchblade, chitinous rifle, decorated werewolf claw, dueling knife, folding pistol, gleaming fang, hunter sidearm, kingly blade, massive snowflake fragment, Midgard safety needler, molting mandible, optical needler, quivering rifle, retrofitted needler, steel switchblade, tiny holdout, wicked knife, Zalian defense system
+4 black bayonet rifle, blade of the snows, buzzing TZR, classic switchblade, collapsible baton, harvester blade, icicle fang, improbable gun, memorial rifle, mislit mask, mushroom spade, psychopath's knife, rusted gun, serpent knuckles, silk whip, slammer bottle, slick holdout, speargun, stalker's knife, thin shiv, trick sidearm
+3 antique dueling pistol, antique needler, black silver blade, classic handgun, close combat shotgun, demonic spike, gutter pistol, handmade pistol, killer pistol, needler rifle, refitted switchblade, reinforced kitchen knife, sharp stick, steady sidearm, Zalian defense tool
+2 ancient rifle, army drone model, blade of the snows (with Thawing Blade), bloodied knife, hustler's cue, jagged knuckles, management baton, Moodlight glove, old kitchen knife, package opener, painted parasol, shiny butcher knife, silver switchblade, steel knife, taser, yellowed lace garotte
+1 brass knuckles, costume scalpel, filthy pistol, old switchblade, zipgun
-2 leaded baton
-3 the Hammer's sledge
-4 waterlogged handcannon
Offhand Items
+4 black crystal orb, hand of glory
+3 hunter's heart, shadowy heart
+2 anniversary pocket mirror (with +stealth power weapon), clay mushroom, charged golem heart, delicate mushroom sculpture, old scalpel, putrid sapphire
-2 ostentatious ring, putrid blob, talking doll
-3 chattering skull
-4 clattering chimes, struggling raven
+10% hungry ooze cloak
+2 blackened vest, blood rose cape, executive tabard (with Eclipse), hungry ooze cloak, hustler's coat, outlaw coat, reaper robes, scaled vest, slinky dress, vampire cape, see Bodyware
+1 black dress shirt, bouncer suit jacket, dirty old trenchcoat, dusty suit coat, gutter leathers, nightmarish gang jacket, ratty suit coat
-2 decorated punk jacket, sentai top, tropical shirt
-5 safety vest
+5 elegantly torn pants* (with Black Silver Patching)
+2 elegantly torn pants* (with Black Pants), pressed slacks, scaled pants
+1 dusty suit pants, mountaineer pants, ratty suit pants, strange pants
-1 sentai pants
+4 Midgard Player (with Hidden Harmony or Stalking Seed)
+3 cultured pearl necklace
+2 lens focused on the crowd, Midgard Player (with Stalking Harmony), optical bracelet, optical rangefinder
+1 arrayed scope, quick draw holster
-4 animatronic snake
-100% Halloween Security Badge
Programs - requires a computer as gadget (& processor,memory cost)
SL optimized targeter (3,0)
+YS integrated hunt (1,2)
+6 staring gauntlet program (with no weapon equipped, with Eclipse) (1,3)
+3 staring gauntlet program (with Eclipse) (1,3)
Cyberware (Bodyware)
+9 ghost skin (without either a shirt or pants equipped)
+6 ghost skin (without a shirt equipped or without pants equipped)
+4 chameleon glands
+3 ghost skin
+2 OmniTech ArtSkin (without a shirt equipped)
-2 tiger skin
-3 body jewels
Cyberware (Cyberarms)
+4 reflexive cyberblade, sealed cyberblade, unsealed cyberblade
+3 posable hand, steel cyberblade
+2 basic cyberblade, hardened cyberblade, Inteternal blade, Inteternal hands
-2 mover arms, muscular cyberarms, powerful cyberarms
-4 commemorative cyberarms
Cyberware (Cyberlegs)
-2 bulky cyberlegs, goat legs, powerful cyberlegs
Cyberware (Neuralware)
+1 demon face
-2 cybernetic cat ears
Cyberware (Organware)
+3 trash cyberheart
+2 OmniBody heart
+20% Soft Wind
+5 Blood in the Snow, Cycle of Forgiveness, Hidden Death, Undersea Stalking
+4 Cavern's Light (while aboveground), Explosive ReflexCoil, Skittering Tune
+3 Dancing Mists, Observational Fiction
+2 Artistic Darkness, Concrete Perspective, Forest Movements, Gaze Beyond, Icy Demeanor, Inspired Movements (with Eclipse), Smiling Sneak, Steady Hand, Unleashed ReflexCoil, Vile Camouflage, Weapon Adjustments (w/Stealth weapon)
+1 Dust Covered
-2 Flicker of Peace
-3 the Jitters
-4 Encircled, Obvious Presence, Tactically Tracked
-5 Crushed Hand, Dying Artist, Webbed
+1 beautiful spider
+2 Appearance is Everything (in bum disguise)
+4 Drone Anatomy (vs Drones only)


* See item for additional bonuses or restrictions

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