Stocking Snowman Topper


Image stockingsnowman.jpg
Description Not to be confused with a stalking snowman, which could be frightening and comical, this is just an adorable snowman head with a stocking cap molded on to it. Presumably the snowman can keep warm during those cold winter nights.

It has a little hole in the bottom so you could mount it on top of a Christmas tree… or at the end of one of the branches if you already have a topper.
Type Usable
Use If you have a tree set up in your dwelling:
You add the topper to your Christmas tree.

You set aside the topper for when you have a Christmas tree up.
Multi If you have a tree set up in your dwelling:
You add the toppers to your Christmas tree.

You set aside the toppers for when you have a Christmas tree up.
Effects Adds a stocking snowman topper to the Christmas tree in your apartment.


Christmas Rewards 2015: For placing on a leaderboard at the end of the Christmas 2015 event.


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