Stolen Coffee Pot


Image CoffeeMachine25.jpg
Description This coffee pot was barely working before it was stolen, but should let you brew up some caffeinated creations.
Type Furniture
Requires 6 Base Perception
Use You unpack your stolen coffee pot and wire it into the wall. It sputters fitfully.
Effects Adds a Stolen Coffee Pot to your apartment


Repair a Cordless Coffee Pot with some Thick Cabling
Cordless Coffee Pot Thick Cabling
= Stolen Coffee Pot

Stolen Coffee Pot Use


With this, and some grounds, the world of coffee is opened to you.

If you have applicable items in your inventory, you will learn the recipes below:

You've learned a new simple recipe: Cup of Joe - Make up some Coffee Crystals

You've learned a new simple recipe: Fair Coffee - Brew up some Fair Trade Grounds

You've learned a new simple recipe: Fortified Coffee - Mix up some Fortified Coffee Grounds

You've learned a new simple recipe: Lattes! Instant Latte - Hydrate some Lattes! Latte Powder

Now you just need to make some coffee.

You must have a coffee machine installed to craft these recipes. The stolen coffee pot makes 2-3 cups of coffee per use.


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg cordless coffee pot
thick cabling
GoldCoins.jpg .08 Goods
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