Strange Tunnel


Dockside Sewers (Before Quest)



Encounter Conditions

Exploring the sewers 5? 8? 10? times.

Initial Text

You come across a strange tunnel intersecting the sewers that leads down towards a natural cave.

Summary of Choices

  1. Head into the Cave - Leads to Sewer Hideout
  2. Ignore it - Nothing

Choice Text and Results

Head into the Cave

You find your way into a large cave. It seems to be near the lake, with easy access to the water.

Members of the Fangs wander around openly. There are dozens of them, guarding a series of run-down shacks and a massive pile of crates.

(Leads to Sewer Hideout)

(Or, if you've killed the boss, but not dealt with the eclipse)

You find your way into a large cave. It seems to be near the lake, with easy access to the water.

All you can see of the Fang presence here is a few abandoned buildings and a pile of crates.

(Leads to Sewer Hideout)

Ignore it

You ignore the cave entrance for now and go back to wandering the sewers.

See Walk Away


This encounter was retired on 12 Sep 2010, when the sewer hideout area was revamped.

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