Sunless Flag
Certain mushrooms and funguses get bonuses when under the effects of Fae Sight. These are described here:
Sunless Foods
Sunless foods typically give about 1 extra energy/fullness (depending on item) and give the following message:
Mmmmmmm. Reminds you of wandering through sunless caverns.
- cleaned cavefish
- construction mushroom
- crawling slime mold
- delicious puffball
- edible mushroom
- fragile puffball
- fungal tendrils
- giant puffball
- gilt truffle
- Glass Roll
- grave mushrooms
- heavy puffball
- large mushroom
- mushroom omelette
- mushroom sandwich
- mushroom skewer
- mushroom stir-fry
- mushroom stroganoff
- oily sashimi*
- oily sushi*
- oily roll*
- truffle
- twin mushrooms
- sauteed puffball
- snowflake fungus
- Eating a Sunless opponent with Ghoultouched (see below)
- "Eating" the mushrooms in the forest pool in the Fractured Reflection
* These ones give a special message/results with Fae Blessing active (does not require Fae Sight).
Sunless Drugs
Certain drugs gain additional duration or other benefits as well, with the following message:
It all somehow reminds you of wandering through sunless caverns.
- bitter toadstool
- cracked spores
- draught of breath
- mislit mushroom
- serpent's staff
- serum mushroom*
- shaman staff
- sparking staff
- sparkling spores
- tiny blue toadstool
- tiny brown toadstool
- tiny green toadstool
- tiny red toadstool
- vitalized fungus
- warty toadstool
- wormeaten mushroom
* Doesn't give the normal sunless message, but it does give a bonus with Fae Sight.
Sunless Opponents
These fungus opponents affect:
- The charmed chain unlocks flittering charms from it.
- Eating these opponents with Ghoultouched gives +1 energy.
Sunless opponents include:
See also: Primordial Flag
page revision: 59, last edited: 07 Mar 2024 00:16