Sword Weapon

Swords are a type of weapon.

List of Swords

Item MP Other Bonuses
achromatic blade 10 Glows with a Mysterious Light
ancient saber 7 +2 Evasion Power
arachnid blade 7 +7 Etheric Power
-7 Reflexes
black silver blade 6 +3 Stealth Power
+3 Melee Defense
bony sword 5 +3 Etheric Defense
cavalry saber 7 +2 Melee Defense
+4 Reflexes
dancing blade 8 +6 Evasion Power
+6 Reflexes
fire etched sword 8 +4 Fire Power
Slightly Increases Chance of PvP Encounters
fragile antique blade 7
fused blade 6 +3 Strength
handcrafted blade 9 +6 Reflexes
hardened blade 8 +4 Melee Defense
inlaid saber 7 +2 Etheric Defense
+2 Will
knockoff katana 6
mislit rusted sword 2 +4 Morale
orange hilt blade 9 +4 Melee Defense
+4 Etheric Defense
ostentatious blade 5 +5 Will
Slightly Increases Chance of Combat Encounters
princely sword 5 +2 Melee Defense
+2 Evasion Power without an offhand item equipped
quivering sword 10 +5 Evasion Power
+5 Reflexes
replica katana 7 +3 Melee Defense
replica sword 5 +2 Melee Defense
rider's sword 4 +4 Etheric Power
shark tooth blade 10 -10 Reflexes (while not Underwater)
Leaves Jagged Wounds
shining blade 6 +6 Reflexes
+4 Melee Defense
silver blade 5 +2 Will
survivors' origami blade 0 (8) Melee Power only With Eclipse
+8 Etheric Power
toy cutlass 2 (+6) More Melee Power With Eclipse
twisting silver blade 10 +4 Etheric Power
+4 Melee Defense
Wormslayer 6 +3 Evasion Power
+3 Melee Defense


Opponents with this trait

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