Technique Forms

Techniques are used to perform actions in combat. However a single technique can sometimes be used in multiple ways depending on how it is used.

Most techniques list a damage type, as well as a "Base Damage" (or "Base Defense") value, which taken together make the 'normal form' for a technique. But there is often a "Special" line which describes how you can use this technique to your advantage in an 'enhanced form'. For example Short Burst's normal form is a Ranged Attack for 2 Base Damage, but can get +3 more Base Damage if you use it at the end of chain. There are often several hidden enhanced forms which are not always stated in the Special description. (See combat for how techniques, chains, and damage work.)

The enhanced forms of a technique can have a different Base Damage (higher or lower) than the normal technique, and/or do a different damage type and/or use a different attribute. Enhanced Evasion techniques can sometimes block different types of damage as well, and sometimes an enhanced version of a damage technique can also do some evasion. Some techniques can have quite a few forms.

Things that determine which form is used include:

  • Where the technique is used in a chain (eg. Opener, Closer, Filler)
  • What technique it is following
  • What technique the opponent is using (if any)
  • What effects, items, flags, etc. you have active or equipped.
  • What effects, items, flags, etc. your target has active or equipped.
  • Miscellaneous

This page will list all known form determiners:

Chain Position


These techniques are enhanced when they are used first in a chain. This is often described as a 'sneak attack' or as a move which benefits from having time to set up your move.

    See: Opener Techniques


These techniques are enhanced when they are used last in a chain. Note that techniques can't be used both as an opener and closer at the same time, so there must be at least two techniques used in a chain for the last one to count as closer. Solitary techniques count as opener only.

    See: Closer Techniques


These techniques are enhanced when they are used in the middle of a chain. This means there must be at least three techniques used that round, so they can be somewhat more tricky to use.

    See: Filler Techniques


Some techniques are enhanced when they follow a particular technique or category of techniques. These are often enhanced for following a particular damage type (eg. Ranged). Note that the technique needs to immediately follow another technique for it to count.

    See: Following Techniques


Some techniques are enhanced when they follow two techniques of a certain category. These techniques often get a Following bonus (see above) if you just follow one.

    See: Cascading Techniques

Opponent's Techniques


Some techniques are enhanced when your opponent isn’t doing anything at the time. This requires you to make a longer chain than your opponent made. Some equipment gives an unopposed bonus as well.

Note: in a multi-opponent fight, it only matters if the opponent you are targeting is not doing anything, even if other opponents are acting. Eg. You make a 3-long chain against an opponent that made a 2-long chain. Meanwhile, a non-targeted second opponent also makes a 3-long chain, but you still get an unopposed bonus for your last technique anyway.

    See: Unopposed Techniques


Some techniques are enhanced when they face a particular technique or type of technique. Most often this happens when opposing a specific damage type such as Ranged. As with Unopposed, only the technique from the opponent that you are targeting matters if there are multiple opponents acting at once.

    See: Versus Techniques


Distance represents how far apart you and your opponent is. Techniques with a high chain number (eg. Longarm) keep you far back from your opponent, while those with low chain numbers (eg. Ghoul Bite) involve you charging in close. In general, Distance is the sum of the chain number of your technique and your opponent’s technique. Some techniques are enhanced when you are at a distance of less than 6 (Short Distance) or more than 12 (Long Distance).

Spading is needed for how Distance interacts with Unopposed.

    See: Short Distance, Long Distance

Character Condition


Some techniques are changed when either you or your opponent has less than 50% HP.
    See: Low-HP Techniques


Some techniques require an effect to be active to be enhanced, and sometimes they require an effect to do any damage at all. Notably, many of the Etheric Techniques require the Etheric effect to be active, and often consume one energy of the effect to use the enhanced form. There are a handful of special cases that require other effects as well.


There are many techniques that are enhanced when certain items are equipped. Many techniques derived from unearthly equipment give a small hidden bonus when the associated item is equipped. Some Etheric Techniques only work properly with appropriate equipment instead of requiring an effect.


Some techniques behave differently in different environments. Notably, most techniques work differently Underwater, though any of the Location Flags could conceivably be checked.

Opponent flags

The above item/effect flags can be checked for on your opponent too, as well as other factors listed on the Opponent Flags page (Electrical, Flying, No Organs, etc.)


There are various other counters or flags that can be checked - a few examples:

Repeated use

The technique uses different forms depending how many times it’s been used in combat (Release the Hounds, Dirty Trick)

    See: Repeated Use Techniques

Other factors not listed above

Tight Hold

Some opponents can grab on to you and use a different set of forms when you are held on to.

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