The Stash



Encounter Conditions

Only after getting rid of the Gang Boss

Initial Text

All that's left now are the crates of Eclipse. Looks like they were transporting them inside plastic figures of kid's show characters. Classy.

Summary of Choices

  1. Steal the crates (good) - Get 5 crate of Eclipse, complete Docks quest
  2. Burn the crates (good)- Get 25 energy of Etheric, complete Docks quest

Choice Text and Results

Steal the crates (good)

You round up the remaining crates of Eclipse and make your way back into the sewers.

You found: 5 crates of Eclipse

Burn the crates (3+ good)


You search the ramshackle buildings until you find enough alcohol to set the entire pile of Eclipse on fire. Twisted faces and writhing, sinuous forms appear in the smoke.

And if you don't have an air filter:
You're eventually forced back out into the sewers by the smoke, which has begun to make you rather light-headed.

If you do have an air filter:
You're eventually forced back out into the sewers by the smoke, which has made it impossible to see. It's a good thing you have an air filter or you'd probably have inhaled a dozen tablets worth of Eclipse there.

You've gained 25 energy of Etheric.*

* All normal effects trigger here the same as if you ate 5 Eclipse tablets from inventory (aside from the body cost) - including Eclipse Duration bonuses (+5 duration per), giving energy of Dancing Hut if you have a Dancing Hut Figure equipped, etc.

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