The Virus


Image Virus100.jpg
Processor 2-5†
Memory 5-13†
Hardening 0
Code Finesse 1
Alarm 0†
Extractable Code viral code, math subroutine, automation routine, file interface, security patches
XP 0

†Note that Processor/Memory/Alarm values can exceed this ranged if the virus a created as a clone of a different opponent using Viral Reformatting.

Tool Size Target Intensity (Damage) Notes
Clone Self ? None - (no Wild Virus)
Gives 20 turns of Wild Virus
'' Hardening ? (with Wild Virus)
Hardening >0
'' Memory 5 (with Wild Virus)
No Hardening and Memory >5, adds a (2P,5M,0H) Virus to fight
'' None - (with Wild Virus)
Memory <5
Shed Data 3 Hardening 5 (5-6) (with Hardening)
Can also block
'' Processor 1 (1-2) (no Hardening)
Can also block
Inject Virus 2 Hardening 2 (2-3) (with Hardening)
" None - (no Hardening)
Gives 10 turns of Wild Virus
Crash Function 3 Prevents use of following tool again this battle
Corrupt Datastream 2 Processor 1 (1-2)

Known Configurations

  • Hardening is always 0.
  • If a virus is created by using Viral Reformatting, it takes on the processor and memory values of the old opponent (as of at latest 3/7, no longer includes alarm).
  • If a new virus is added to the battle by the virus using the Clone Self tool, it always has 2/5/0 stats.
  • Otherwise, it depends on the opponent it appears with:
Appears with
Virus stats PL OA G ZD
V 2/6/0 1/2/2
V 3/7/0 1/3/3
V 3/8/0 3/3/3 3/6/3 2/8/8
V 3/9/0 2/3/3 3/7/3 2/9/9
V 4/9/0 4/4/4 4/7/4
V 4/10/0 4/8/4 2/10/10
V 4/11/0 2/11/11
V 5/12/0 2/12/12
V 5/13/0 3/13/13
  • If a virus appears with more than one other opponent, it takes its stats from the highest powered opponent.
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