Trick Top Hat


Image tricktophat.jpg
Description In some circles, a hat like this would still mark you as a member of the aristocracy. But mostly it makes you look like a stage magician.

Which is appropriate, because that's exactly what this hat is for. It has a secret compartment in the velvet lining to hide whatever you might need.

Now, traditionally that might be a rabbit or dove or chain of handkerchiefs. But there's really nothing preventing you from slipping a pair of brass knuckles or a pistol up there instead.

And hiding your true strength will always catch foes off-guard. Hell, if you get good enough at it, you might catch yourself off-guard as well.
Type Hat
Effects +2 Stealth Power
Applies Stealth Power to Lowest Attribute(s) (applies only if Stealth Power is positive)


Zack's House of Coins, Season 39 for one unearthly coin.


Sometimes, after combat:

You learned a new Technique: Top Hat Trick

Technique Summary

Chain Technique Type Attribute Dam Notes
tophattrick.jpg Top Hat Trick Stealth Reflexes 3 with top hat equipped, changes type based on your lowest buffed stat and is Undodgeable; if Etheric with no weapon equipped gives stage wand once/day
stagemagic.jpg Stage Magic Etheric Reflexes - does various tricks if Etheric and/or with stage wand equipped

Other Uses

Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
GoldCoins.jpg This item cannot be added to a gang stash.

Remaining Mysteries

According to Podcast 54, there is no unfound content associated with this item.

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