Tunnels Of The Black Book


This location can be accesed by ducking into the tunnels in Chained Lake and A Faceless Hero encounters. This is part of The Black Sketchbook quest.

See also the The Black Book and the Fires of the Black Book.

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters Eclipse.jpg Etheric only
Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters coffee.jpg Non-Etheric only
defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters fishingpole.jpg Requires Fishing pole
LeatherJacket.jpg Gang Warfare Encounters PDA.jpg Can lead to a Hacking Encounter

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

The Dead End

  1. See if he sneaks through - Lose all hit points, gain 20 energy of Broken Bone or unlock Forked Intersection, Dark Stone Altar and Gravestone (?) if eating the mushrooms in the Mushroom Forest showed you getting small
  2. See if he tears it down - Lose all hit points, gain 10 energy of Broken Bone or unlock Forked Intersection, Dark Stone Altar and Gravestone (?) if eating the mushrooms in the Mushroom Forest showed you getting big
  3. Look for more sketches - Gain 5 XP in Perception


  1. Scratch in a name - Closes if a ghoul name was scratched in. Unlocks the ability to Rub Out The Name
  2. Rub out the name - Unlocks the ability to Scratch In a Name and Write In a Ghoul Name
  3. Write in a ghoul name - Closes if a name was scratched in. Unlocks the ability to Rub Out The Name
  4. Dig up the grave - Lose all HP or gain a battered pistol/jade amulet
  5. Pay your respects - Gain 3 XP in Will or gain a rose bud

Branching Caverns

  1. See if he climbs up - Leads to The Black Book
  2. Find him climbing down - Leads to Fires of The Black Book
  3. Look for a picture of other caverns - Gain 3 XP in Reflexes

Forked Intersection

  1. See if he wentures left - (one of several semi-random options)
  2. Search for a journey down the middle - (one of several semi-random options)
  3. Look for sketches along the right - (one of several semi-random options)
  4. Browse for other tunnels - Gain 4 XP in Perception

Dark Stone Altar

  1. Look for the fight - Gain 2 XP in Perception, 1 XP in Strength, 1 XP in Will or lose all HP.
  2. See if he'll aproach them - Lose all HP, or upgrade rose bud to full rose.
  3. Find out if he runs - Gain 4 XP in Reflexes
  4. See if he plays with the bones - Gain 4 XP in Perception and learn the Forked Intersection tunnels

Towering Figure

  1. Look for the battle's result - Lose all HP or, if the hero has a battered pistol, gain Undying Heart skill, 8 random XP
  2. See if he bows - Lose all HP or, if the hero has a dark rose, gain Etheric Seed skill, 8 random XP
  3. See if he runs - Gain 4 XP in Strength and 4 XP in Reflexes
  4. Draw in a binding - Lose all hit points or, if you have a binding tome equipped, gain Stolen Artistry skill, 8 random XP
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