Unaware Mushroom



Encounter Conditions

After killing 3 mushroom warriors?

Initial Text

Making your way through the mushroom forest and its surrounding cavern, most of the mushroom creatures avoid you. You manage to catch one unaware, however, going about its business among the forest.

Summary of Choices

  1. Charge it - Fight Mushroom Harvester
  2. Trail it - Unlocks Ancient Shroom
  3. Leave it - Walk Away

Choice Text and Results

Charge it

The moment it notices your pursuit, it starts running in the opposite direction, but it's certainly no match for you at a sprint. You catch up easily as it raises its spade to defend itself.

(Fight Mushroom Harvester)

Trail it

It eventually loses you in the depths of the cave among more of its kind. You wouldn't call it a village or anything, but perhaps there is a gathering ground back here.

(Unlocks Ancient Shroom)

Leave it

(Walk Away)

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