Voice Recordings

There are various voice recordings that that can be obtained as stored data files. These can be played back at the Lab Terminal in the Midgard Laboratory. The different recordings grant different levels of access.

Recording Obtained from Message Access
Dr. Johnson recording 5th Floor: Fighting Dr. Johnson "Welcome SPSigurd! Admin access conditionally granted. Please contact XHeimdall at your first opportunity." Hack as if Secured Entrance and Midgard Shield is down
Dr. Mira recording Midgard Laboratory: Dr. Mira's Team "Welcome Doctor Mira! Records and Facilities Access Granted." Hack as if Secured Entrance and Midgard Shield is down
Slags lab recording Midgard Laboratory: Scientist Conversation "Welcome Doctor!" Hack as if Secured Entrance is down
Slags refugee recording 2nd Floor: Ramshackle Fortress "Welcome Doctor! Records Access Granted." Hack as if Secured Entrance is down
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