Waterfront Flags

In the Waterfront on The Docks, there are a couple hidden mechanics, detailed below.

Hidden counters

Third Eye Ganger Intimidation (Resets daily.)

Killing Third Eye Ganger combat = +1 intimidation
Killing Third Eye Shakedown:Rush to defend combat = +1 intimidation
Killing Third Eye Shakedown:Rush to kill combat = ?? intimidation

At 10 intimidation: unlocks Third Eye Sorcerer+2 Third Eye Gangers combat.

Third Eye Sorcerer Killed

Killing Third Eye Sorcerer+2 Third Eye Gangers combat removes the following encounters for the rest of this lifetime:

Midgard Warehouse Panic (Resets daily.)

Midgard Warehouse Unlocked Drone (Resets daily?)

After winning the 3x Midgard Security encounter the following are unlocked. May require beating the Midgard Security again if you kill the spider/drone(?).


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