Whispering Flame


Image Crystal-Fire25.jpg
Description The strange shape and disquieting glow would set this crystal fragment apart from any normal stone. But there's something more than that… a faint whisper, rising and falling like the a song or the waves.

For a moment you're reminded absurdly of the old tales of hearing the ocean in seashells.
Type Weapon (No Trade)
Use (Use message and effects depend on your lowest stat; see "Uses" below)
Effects +7 Etheric Power
+3 Melee Power


Charging a crystalline flame with 16 energy of the Ocean Sight effect


Using this item gives X turns of a buff to your lowest stat, where X is the number of charges in the flame. This causes it to revert back to an uncharged crystalline flame.

(With Perception as lowest stat)

You stare deeply into the crystal, feeling its power pouring into your eyes. Neglect and lack of experience in your new life seem to wash away, rendering the world as clear as the crystal.

Gain X energy of Crystal Eyes

(With Reflexes as lowest stat)

You stare deeply into the crystal, feeling its power drive you and your body. A rhythm you hadn't noticed catches you, moving with the strange grace of the crystal's curves.

Gain X energy of Crystal Grace

(With Strength as lowest stat)

You stare deeply into the crystal, feeling its power pouring into your body. Little-used muscles tighten, becoming as resilient as the crystal.

Gain X energy of Crystal Body

(With Will as lowest stat)

You stare deeply into the crystal, feeling its power render you speechless for a moment. Weakness and doubt flee your mind, leaving you with a purpose as clear as the crystal you hold.

Gain X energy of Crystal Mind

Fighting with this item equipped can also yield special techniques. See the crystalline flame page for details.

At 32 charges of Ocean Sight, this item becomes a drowning flame.

Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
GoldCoins.jpg This item cannot be added to a gang stash.
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