Whole Hearted Vacationer



Encounter Conditions


Initial Text

An elderly man putters around the office, adding orange and black streamers to cubicles. Completely mismatching his mission, brilliant sunny flowers cover his shirt and even wrap around his neck.

You'd suspect he was ironically dressing up as "rich vacationer" for Halloween, but he seems too whole-heartedly happy to do that.

Summary of Choices

  1. Chat with him - Gain 2 XP in Will, or gain coconut (if etheric, first time per day) or gain 20 Tropical Relaxation (further times)
  2. Offer to help - Gain 2-3 crepe paper
  3. Offer violence - Fight Party Boss
  4. Leave him be - Walk away

Choice Text and Results

Chat with him

He starts talking about his time in the Omegas and how kids these days work too hard, then gets into a digression about taking vacations and his last trip in Oceania.

You get a bit of a vicarious tropical buzz, but you'd be surprised if many "kids these days" could afford a tropical cruise.

You've earned 2 XP in Will

Or, while etheric, first time per day:


He starts talking about his time in the Omegas and how kids these days work too hard, then gets into a digression about taking vacations and his last trip in Oceania.

The description of the sun and sea is so vivid that you can see the dappled palms and hear the rolling waves.

As you walk away, you realize you're carrying something that feels like a fuzzy rock.

You found: coconut

Or, while etheric, further times:


He starts talking about his time in the Omegas and how kids these days work too hard, then gets into a digression about taking vacations and his last trip in Oceania.

The description of the sun and sea is so vivid that you can see the dappled palms and hear the rolling waves.

You walk away feeling incredibly relaxed.

You've gained 20 duration of Tropical Relaxation.

You regain 32-39 hit points!

Offer to help

He smiles at you. "Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you."

After a short search, he hands you some crepe paper streamers.

You found: 2-3 rolls of crepe paper

Or, after 6? times

"Sorry, I'm all out of streamers. This is my last one," he smiles and holds up the one he's hanging. "But I appreciate you asking."

He thinks for a second. "I think that lovely young lady on campus is selling tombstones that would go with the streamers pretty well, though, if you don't mind heading across town."

Offer violence

He frowns at you, looking more tired and disappointed than afraid.

(Fight Party Boss)

Leave him be

He gives you a polite nod as you pass by, continuing to put up decorations.

Walk Away.

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